To explain the world, we need to simplify it
Globalisation is generally a great thing. We can travel to remote places – or at least satisfy our craving for distant lands with exotic foods. We effortlessly stay in touch with friends from around the world. We search the internet for whatever our heart desires…So, everything seems good – if it wasn’t for the growing gap between rich and poor, extreme pollution, shrinking conversation land, and towering piles of trash. And then, there’s global injustice – a worldwide problem we are all affected by, albeit at various extents. So, here’s the good and bad news: All of that is related to us. To our everyday lives, to the consequences of our actions, and how we can take responsibility for them. That’s what we want to show in this exhibition.
We may not fully understand everything in the world, and we clearly cannot show it all in an exhibition, but we’re giving i tour all. Our focus is on key topics like food, clothing, cars, electricity, mobile phones and care. These elements are part of our everyday life and within our control.
It’s time to take a look at the exhibition
Taking one look may not be enough. Because you will be surrounded by a huge, bustling picture that tells many little stories for you to discover. Let us introduce you: Mario, Yunus, Anna, Lea, Emil, Boran und Gitti – seven characters who play an important role in this picture. They will guide you through this bustling place and show how our mundane and our products we consume cover vast distances to land „here with us“. Sure, ther’s always power coming out oft he socket while Mario is playing a computer game. But what’s there behind it and where does the electricity actually come from?
Six more interactive stations explore the core exhibition topics: The movie „Crafted with care“ shows what beautiful things can be crafted by human hands and what can be repaired instead of being thrown away.
„Two are better than one“ – The proverb about the positive and inspiring energy that can only be created together can be experienced in an exhibit of the same name.
„Happy“ foods share their stories as well as pupils report on their idea, how car parks can be used for other purposes.
„Nicht Wurst“ implies that we can’t afford to have a „Who cares!“ attitude. Gitti collects at her sausage stand all the wishes of our visitors. We’ll hand over them tot he relevant departments within the Tyrolean government. We believe good ideas need tob e seen!
An animated comic shows expamples of how each individual con do something to make our world a better place and that „goog news“ is much more motivating than disaster reports.
As an acoustic museum, we’re all ears for your ideas. Any good input that might benefit our environment and our communities? We‘‘ll lend you our ear. We’ll save your messages, select the smartest ideas, and feature them in one of our podcast episodes.
A WORLD OF EVERYTHING and much more from 8 April 2025 unique and exclusive at AUDIOVERSUM Science Center in Innsbruck.